I give the name of this grass, "Akmal grass", because I do not know the scientific language. This grass is living and growing as a clean place in paping block.
One of the benefits are capable of destroying sedimentary kidney stones, kidney stones, also launched a piss, so presumably it is important to be published. For your consideration,
A friend of mine-workers with me in SMAN 2 Aikmel year ago suffering from kidney sediment for 40 years and had surgery for kidney stones, but still recur so constantly taking Chinese herbs, but it never healed.
One time I introduce "grass Akmal" to him, the results are remarkable, after a few hours later the urine out of mud and now he's fully recovered with only two drinks only. I thank God hath given this herb may find many people who use it. As for the way its use is: take about 10 rods, to the roots, then washed, then boiled until approximately 1 cup of water, then drink. Wait a few hours after drinking a kidney stone will come out like sand or water is very murky as mud. Good luck
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,,
BalasHapuspak gmn kbarnya?
oya mau nanya darimana Bapak tahu kalo tumbuhan ini bisa mengobati batu ginjal??
Dan yuni bolehizin share gak?
waalikum salam,oh ya telah banyak yang sudah sembuh misalnya Pak Hasan Gr SMA 2 Aikmel, telah menggunakan obat cina dan operasi tapi sisanya masih ada, ternnyata setelah minum berhasil dan sembuh. Pak mukmin Gr SMA 2 Aikmel Telah dirongten ternyata batu ginjal ada dua buah, setelah minum hasilnya sudah tidak ada lagi batu ginjal itu. terima kasih ini rumput temuanku sendiri dan aku kasi nama rumput Akmal