Akmaludin S.Pd., M Pd
Presented In: Seminar on Character Learning Model Review STMIK Shaikh Zainudin Anjani
Abstract: This paper was inspired by the sharing of the difficulties experienced by teachers in improving the learning process. Sate MLE learning model is one model of learning that emphasizes character, learnig community, honesty, discipline, cooperation and work hard and uphold the rights of learners haka.Key words: Learning models MLE SateA. Preliminary
School as an institution educational institution in which many elements such as those involved: students, teachers, and curriculum Pidarte environment (2005: 30). It is acceptable that the components form a single entity such that it becomes a system that always goes continuously. As a system in learning activities, in which an integrated component of students, faculty, curriculum and teaching methods, facilities and infrastructure, allocation of time, resources and other learning. To realize that success can not stand alone, but need support in integrative of sub system.Education Internationally we considered still up and when compared with other negar even ranks 39 of the 41 countries surveyed by an international agency Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) in 2006 (Suyanto, 2010: 17). On the other hand the large number of people who are illiterate and did not complete basic education of 9 years, are statements that are often found in both mass media and educational seminars. A group of students learning achievement in various international competitions event is still not able to lift the image of the poor quality of education in this country, because it is still such a large number of students, number of schools, the number of colleges that still called low quality, including education in the NTB is still behind the regional others in the Homeland.Today the quality of education in East Lombok behind other regions in West Nusa Tenggara (Yanis Maladi: Funnel People 2007). One cause is the low motivation of teachers. Similar things have done research on work motivation of teachers in East Lombok regency by Akmaludin (2010: 46) who funded Higher Education found that teachers' motivation is low. The next component is said after the study data, was instrumental data is low, while the data ekspectacy and its valency that is sufficient cause why the motivation of teachers is low.Various measures taken by the government to increase the motivation of teachers for example through training, seminars, MGMP, workshops and others have been handled properly so that the state of education is better than ever, but it still seems to hear complaints from various parties regarding the quality of education. At least it's a complaint about the many participants who do not pass, cheating the implementation of the UN, and the UN are not used as a sufficient condition to enter a higher school, fights between students, widespread demonstrations on behalf of democracy, violence by teachers against students, on the contrary is a reflection of education that need to be repaired.The low quality of education is not solely due to lack of use of the technology used in the classroom, teachers have not been certified, but the use of appropriate methods for the character of the students facing the teacher has not done well. It is therefore necessary to find strategies that can raise the quality of our education nationally.Based on the data above, it is very important to introduce the method of MLE sate as contemporary teaching methods to learning characterized by an emphasis on improving the learning process to be realized character.B. Sate whether MLE method?In learning activities, in principle, the teacher may choose, determine the method of learning a chill to a minimum is reached keriteria thoroughness which had been planned earlier. This is justified by the educational experts who claim that no one method is believed to be best among the existing methods. This is reinforced by the opinions Riyanto (2006: 101) says that teachers can pick and choose the methods to be used.The selection method used is dependent of the ability of teachers, educational background, and experience they have. The selection method according to Pidarta (2005: 135) should be adapted to the material, the purpose and availability of school facilities. Likewise Hudoyo (2000: 75) argued that subjects kehasan contributed to the selection of teaching methods by teachers. It is acceptable that the selection of appropriate methods will be able to optimize the learning process.In the learning process of course there is interaction between teachers and learners, as well as the interaction of learners with learners to realize high-quality elaboration of learners with teachers. Elaboration is the interplay between teachers and learners, learners with learners, is expected by duni of education today. Likewise Bashor (2000: 98) says that intraksi school teaching, is a planned interaction can take place in the classroom, laboratory, field sports, on stage kesenan and others. It is acceptable that the role of learners and teachers in the building interaction is determined by the selection method chosen teacher.It seems that the lecture method in teaching is needed. Likewise in Akmaludin Bashor (2010: 46) says that the implementation of learning, teachers preaching or deliver learning materials in accordance with the systematics that have been compiled through giving examples or explain with visual aids. Further it is said that in order for learners to take an active role lecture activity interspersed with question and answer.With a question and answer method of teaching is a learning method which can enable learners simplest Bashor (2000: 110) it is accepted that the presentation of this method through the international serangkian questions that have been compiled before it is intended to determine how well students for admission, moderate or after the learning takes place and of questioning the teacher may clarify or straighten (confirm) on learning a certain subject.Usually occurs in a question and answer dialogue between two people while maximizing the application of methods for question and answer, questions need to be addressed to all the students so that all students can respond. Such activity usually occurs in the discussion, it is similar to the Akmaludin Orphan (2010: 67) says that the dialogue discussions will occur between all or some of the participantsApplication of the method will be effective when didkusi learner-kelopok dibagai the group discussion. Likewise Bashor (2000: 113) says that the method is a method of teaching that emphasizes learning activities of students in the group. Further it is said that a form of learning activities to be undertaken by the group method are: discussion, exercises, problem solving, task completion and others.
with the model pemblajaran sate MLE is a learning model that dilhami by
QS (Al-Asr al, 103: 1-3), which means "For the future, Behold, the man
really in loss, Except those who believe and do good godly counsel and advice of counsel to adhere to truth and to advise the honor of patience ". Furthermore
Abdullah (2006: 536) explained that God gave the exception of the loss
was for those who believe and perform good deeds with their limbs and
mewujutkan a form of obedience and leave something that is forbidden, as
well as patience for any kind of ordeal, fate, and interference launched the JV who menengakkan injunction prohibiting unjust kindnessIt
is understandable that teachers and learners are expected to hand in
hand, always do right by its knowledge that no one is lost or impaired
in learning activities. Disaping
teransfer knowledge that the activity of which can (or can be to
students who can not should be based on the nature of the patient,
working together, accepting each other in terms of goodness and truth)It
also skewers MLE is deep learning model that emphasizes the learning
mastery learning that it is not excessive for the application of the
learning model for junior fashion every person concerned reached good
luck .. Sate
MLE method is a method that combines the methods of learning democratic
lecture, question and answer, discussion groups and peer tutor
implemented simultaneously in a certain learning period. This
method is packaged in such a way that teachers, learners who are good,
pretty good learners and learners are less good at working together hand
in hand to master a particular subject that insists on honesty,
discipline, teamwork, work hard and uphold human rights learners.C. Is Excess Sate MLE method?Schools
should take an important role in the moral development of students and
schools should be tried to be good ground for the growth and mental and
moral development of students, besides providing a place of knowledge,
development of talent and intelligence in the run pendididkan in
earnest, the moral influence pesrta students in the life of Nata in Resmini (2010: 41)Of
view of the above can be understood that the school should serve as a
place of maturation mental, moral well as the provision of knowledge for
students who menjai stock of his life. For
that individual learners may be implanted as early as honesty,
discipline, good relationships (cooperation), work hard and eliminate
the bulliying pesrta amongst students.
Sate MLE associated with the learning of each student trained and directed to hold the aforementioned principles. Peseerta students who have mastered certain material is sincere in giving assistance to participants didikyang knowledge have not been able so that teacher is not the only source in kegiatam learning, but every person is entitled to convey that knowledge. Pugkiri that we can not in any learning activities are still encountered many students who hide there pengetahuanya or students who do not want to pass on to students pegetahuannya others voluntarily. But in the application of this method MLE Sate such an attitude should be removed.The next level of discipline in following the learning of students to the attention of educators. Attitudes of learners shown as: students who sleep in when the teacher is delivering learning materials, create an atmosphere that is less favorable in the classroom, and another of the questions did not focus very often found. But in the application of MLE is to be removed sate that there are individual learners keep kediplinan the nobility and learning activities so that learners of a clearly visibleBesides the social interaction that was built by the students reflect intraksi iducatif. In the application of the Sate bulliying MLE is not justified for learning so that every student feels safe from the shame, fear because they lack bisaan, eliminating excessive pride as a result of smart Meras learners when compared to the other.Besides hard work and enterprising learners who were shown to be increased so that the quality of the learning process can be detected. If the application of other methods can not be denied that there were still some students who only chairman of the group are active while the others waited for an answer. But in the application of MLE method Didak skewers so that there is a justified individual learners are preoccupied with seeking a settlement of the problems faced so that the material is controlled banar student learning and mastery come true. Thus the rights of learners are met
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Speakers Personal DataAkmaludin S.Pd., M Ed was born on December 31, 1966 at Renga Mamben, District wanasaba. Teacher for The SMA Negeri 2 Aikmel and Permanent Lecturer at SZ STMIK Anjani East Lombok. D3 graduate Mathematics Education University of Mataram in 1989. Graduated in 1996 Bachelor of Mathematics Education at the Open University, Jakarta. The next Master of Education Graduated in 2006 in Surabaya State University managament Education. Additionally taught courses in Statistics, Calculus, Discrete Mathematics and Research Methodology in STMIK SZ Anjani also writes the journal of the National
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