MLE: A learning model that emphasizes the cultivation of character
values, during the learning process takes place, and emphasized the
process of learnig community. The characters are developed is "honest, discipline, cooperation and work hard" as well as rights.
a term Pidarte (2005: 30), which states that the school as an
institution educational institution in which many elements that involved
like: learners, teachers, environment and curriculum all forming a
system. Obviously,
the opinion illustrates that educational components that form a unity
in such a way that it always must be knit together with each other on an
ongoing basis continuously. As
a consequence of a system in learning activities in the education unit,
if there is a specific component of the path is disturbed or other
components which are also not running as it should. success of a Program can not walk by itself, but must be supported by other programs. So the success of learning in the classroom or the school can not stand alone, but need support in integrated from sub system.
as Black Boxes (black box) education, in which runs the complex process
of learning activities, ranging from the simple to the complex process.
principle, the teacher may choose, determine, and simplify a process
that involves teaching methods, selection of materials, teaching
materials, instructional media involves a chill up to achieve the goals
set by educators.This is justified by educational experts who claim that none is believed to be the best method among the existing methods. Riyanto argues (2010: 101) says that teachers can pick and choose the methods to be used. Of
opinion is clearly implied implicitly that actually confirms the
absence of one of the most superior method of teaching methods that
exist, but rather complement each other.
Sate MLE is a learning model was first developed in high school SMAN 2 Aikmel. By Akmaludin. This model has combined several methods of learning that exist in a learning activity. With scratched into a single unit and dilak ground in a certain
period of time can increase the learning achievement of learners and can
instill character values: honesty, discipline, and cooperation.
results of method possible merger talks, question and answer,
discussion, and peer tutors in MLE learning called Sate (Sate Multi
Level Education) in the mean depth sebgai Learning. Called
deep meaning because it uses a multi-level capabilities that combine
tiers come from educators and learners in the learning process. Furthermore,
in this case learners do not consider the object of an activity of
learning but as a partner and subject be learning activities.
Can we imagine the atmosphere of learning that will occur in class, if indeed we apply this learning model. This learning model, the character who first developed the "honest". Honest
in the sense that during the learning process place a student: 1)
telling the truth when he can or can not accept the explanation in the
teacher, 2) feel under pressure or not depressed in the following
learning, 3) are not happy in following senag learning, 4) task or tasks during the learning, 5) says satisfied or not satisfied in following lessons. 6) no cheating or plagiarism when it has followed the testIf a learner honestly that he has can or can not be explained from what we can imagine teacher classroom atmosphere. For
example in the picture above there has been an atmosphere where the
students have carried out a "character honesty is not mastred or mastred what is taught". In
the picture a number of students seem to clump together or in groups,
on one occasion but not the spectacle, it was actually the number of
learners from a variety of seating looking for friends who had already
mastered the subject matter.
participants who have mastered the material taught to find that most
students can not, participants who have mastered will pass on what has
been known to willingly with sincerity, and participants who have not
mastered will ask to can with honesty. This condition continued until all the students to master what is taught teachers. Characteristics
that many have not mastered the lesson of learning when students
gathered in certain places as shown in the picture above, but instead
when participants did not happen like in addition to means participants
have mastered what the teachers.This condition is continuously monitored and assisted teachers to really seluru learners feel safe in pembelaajaran. If
any students are still not willing to carry out the honesty of teachers
continue to direct and provide guidance to learners really understand
that honesty is important to be implemented.Honesty
it would seem evident when the learner exams or tests, if it
has been embedded with both the learners will not give or accept any
term during the exam.
this condition occurs means the character has been successfully
implanted, but if there is mutual giving and receiving an answer or when
the exam or test means the cultivation of character values of honesty
must be repaired. It
also skewers MLE is deep learning model that emphasizes the mastery
learning learning is no exaggeration to say that during the application
of the learning model of each student who has not mastered quickly find
other students who can, to really master what learning teacher, until
finally all or most of the participants have mastered the learning materials at the time.
the point is sate MLE learning model is a model of democratic learning
method that combines lectures, question and answer, discussion and peer
tutors implemented simultaneously in a certain learning period. Metodel
is packaged in such a way that teachers, who are good learners,
learners quite clever and less intelligent students work together hand
in hand to master a certain subject. The emphasis on honesty,
discipline, teamwork, work hard and uphold the rights human learners. Follow Vidio Sate MLE in learning in high school SMA 2 Aikmel
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